
Welcome to The Cruden Bay Golf Links Maintenance Blog.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Rubber Crumb In The Bath Tub !

Today we have put down our 3rd application of Rubber Crumb on the R H S off the Bath Tub 14th Green .
The Right Hand Side suffers from a lot of traffic especially the base off the steps !
The Rubber Crumb brushed in after spiking/solid tining helps the roots and base of the plant handle the wear and tear from thousands off golfers feet over the course off a season !
Roomer has it the rubber crumb is recycled formula 1 tyres and can double the green speed ! :   )

The last few days we have had a demonstration off the Toro Pro Core 648  and we took the opertunity to solid tine a lot of areas around the course including the spare green above and the undulating 17th fairway which it handled with ease !

Monday 20 June 2011

Weedkilling The Never Ending Battle

Today the weather was perfect for spot treating Clover on our greens no wind with good cloud cover and no rain forecast until tommorrow.

Weedkilling on a golf course is a never ending battle .We try as much as possible to handweed our greens but certain ones like clover and pearlwort need to be spot treated with a selective weedkiller. 

Thursday 9 June 2011

Overseeding Brown Top Bent

At the end of last week we took the opertunity to fire in some AbeRoyal Browntop Bent into our weaker greens .
The weather was perfect !

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Compost Tea

This is our 3rd year using Compost Tea at Cruden Bay .
A bag of specially blended compost is brewed in the tank above and the Tea produced is then sprayed on our Greens .The Compost is brewed to extract and multiply beneficial Fungi and Bacteria . The profile of free draining  links greens are quite sterile and populations of these Fungi and Bacteria can be on the low side .

Regular applications of Tea help to break down locked up nutrients and make them available to the grass roots,increasing plant health ,drought and disease resistance.Many people wont have heard about compost tea,but it has a long history of use in agriculture dating back to Roman times !